practice areas

Lucas Wagner Law provides skilled legal representation in multiple fields. Schedule a consultation today.

Criminal Defense:
Have you been, or are you anticipating being, charged with a crime? From DUI to felony charges to a simple misdemeanor, finding an attorney as early as possible in the process can have great effects on the ultimate outcome of your case.

Lucas has achieved success for his clients ranging from a not-guilty verdict at a felony trial to dismissal of misdemeanors. He understands your rights and will tirelessly work to make sure you are not treated unfairly by the system.

Juvenile Justice:
For youth charged with a criminal offense, keeping a clean record can prevent them from going through life with a built-in disadvantage. Juvenile cases can take many different twists and turns that can lead to vastly different outcomes. Make sure that you have an attorney on your side from the very beginning and protect your child’s future.

Lucas has successfully represented youth, keeping their records clean, from matters as small as marijuana possession to serious felony charges.

Family Law:
Family law disputes can be deeply personal, whether it is divorce, adoption, or investigation by government child protective services. Lucas understands that and will serve as your objective counselor to help you to make the proper decisions during these difficult periods.

Estate Planning:
People of all ages should ensure that their affairs are in order to avoid leaving unpleasant legal issues to loved ones should something unforeseeable happen. Options range from a simple will to more sophisticated estate planning. Request a free consultation today to discuss what fits your needs.

Professional License Representation:
Any licensed professional who is facing ramifications against their license by a governing body should be represented by an attorney. These proceedings can be intimidating and complex, having an attorney will ensure you aren’t strong-armed into an unfair outcome.

Lucas has represented doctors, licensed professionals counselors, and nurses facing disciplinary action from their respective boards.